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半年磨砺 小魔头FreeBSD 9.0正式发布

发表于 2012-2-13 15:07:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 FreeBSD 9.0正式提供下载

  经过近半年的努力,FreeBSD 9.0正式版终于与大家见面了。虽然目前官网上还没发布该消息,但我们已经可以通过FTP进行下载了。据了解,FreeBSD 9.0正式版采用全新的文本安装器,升级ZFS文件系统,LLVM/Clang将取代GCC编译器,支持索尼PlayStation 3等。

回顾,FreeBSD 9.0发布的过程,可谓是历程了近半年艰难磨砺。

  2009年11月,FreeBSD发布了最流行的Unix衍生版FreeBSD正式版FreeBSD 8.0,FreeBSD 8.0支持amd_64、i386、ia64、PC98、PowerPC以及Sparc64体系等。当然,如果用户当前运行FreeBSD 7.0更更老版本,也可以通过freebsd-update工具来更新至最新版本。
  2011年8月2日,FreeBSD发布了FreeBSD 9.0的第一个公开测试版本FreeBSD 9.0 Beta1。
  2011年9月8日,FreeBSD发布了FreeBSD 9.0的第二个公开测试版本FreeBSD 9.0 Beta2。
  2011年10月1日,FreeBSD发布了第三个公开测试版本FreeBSD 9.0 BETA3。
  原本,FreeBSD 9.0正式版计划于9月发布,但是计划赶不上变化,FreeBSD 9.0由于种种原因迟迟未发布。2011年10月11日又有消息称,FreeBSD 9.0计划在11月3日正式发布。在10月初,FreeBSD 9.0发布了Beta 3之后,在正式版发布之前还将有三个RC候选版。根据最近更新的发布计划,FreeBSD 9.0将在10月发布三个RC候选版,并于11月3日正式发布,但是,毫无疑问又要跳票了。
  2011年10月24日,FreeBSD 9.0的第一个RC版本发布了。
  2011年11月18日,FreeBSD 9.0 RC2发布了,根据之前发行计划得知,在12月7日发布正式版之前,还会有一个新的RC版本发布。这是FreeBSD 9.0的又一次跳票。
  2011年12月9日,FreeBSD发布了FreeBSD 9.0 RC3。
  2012年1月07日,FreeBSD 9.0 正式版发布。

  据了解,FreeBSD是一款类Unix操作系统,它基于加州伯克利大学的“4.4BSD-Lite”发行并带有一些“4.4BSD-Lite2”增强,面向 i386、amd64、IA-64、arm、MIPS、powerpc、ppc64、PC-98、UltraSPARC等 平台。它还间接地基于 “386BSD”,此乃William Jolitz对加州伯克利大学的“Net/2”往i386系统上的移植,尽管如今只有极少的代码保留下来。FreeBSD被全世界的公司、因特网服务提供 商、科研人员、计算机专家、学生、家庭用户等用于他们的工作、教育、娱乐中。FreeBSD带有20000多个软件包,它们是预编译和打包好了、便于安装 的软件,并覆盖了广阔的应用领域:服务器软件、数据库和网页服务器、桌面软件、游戏、网络浏览器和商务软件,而这一切都是免费和易于安装的。
  FreeBSD是一种自由类Unix操作系统,是由经过BSD、386BSD和4.4BSD发展而来的类Unix的一个重要分支。FreeBSD拥有超过 200名活跃开发者和上千名贡献者。FreeBSD被认为是自由操作系统中的不知名的巨人。它不是Unix,但如Unix一样运行,具有兼容Unix的系 统API。作为一个操作系统,FreeBSD被认为相当稳建可靠。
  FreeBSD是以一个完善的操作系统的定位来做开发。其内核、驱动程序以及所有的用户层(Userland)应用程序(比方说是Shell) 均由同一源代码版本控制系统保存(目前使用Subversion并与CVS兼容)。相较于另一知名的的操作系统Linux,其内核为一组开发人员设计,而 用户应用程序则交由他人开发(例如GNU计划),最后再由其他团体集成并包装成Linux包。
  FreeBSD提供了网络、性能、安全以及兼容性等多方面的 先进特性,这些特性即使是在当今最优秀的商业操作系统中亦有所欠缺。FreeBSD还被认为是最理想的Internet和Intranet服务器操作系统之一,即使是在超重负载下,它仍然能够有效地使用内存,为同时运行的数以千计的用户进程提供良好的响应时间。FreeBSD配合当今廉价而高速的PC硬件,使FreeBSD成为经济地代替商业UNIX工作站的绝佳系统。另外,FreeBSD还集成了大量的桌面和服务器应用程序,使它能够很好的满足企业和个人的各种需要。
  BSD是"Berkeley Software Distribution"的缩写,意思是“伯克利软件发行版”。显然,BSD这个名称并不是我们现在所理解的操作系统,而且其原意也并非简单的操作系 统,而是一整套软件发行版的统称。从软件发行版到操作系统的演变是有历史过程的,这一点对FreeBSD很重要。
  * NetBSD一个着重于跨平台特性的分支计划。
  * OpenBSD由NetBSD分支出的计划,着重于安全性。
  * DragonflyBSD是一个由FreeBSD 4-STABLE分支出来的项目,重点在于轻量级而高效能的线程、多处理支持以及其它用户工具、第三方软件管理系统的改进。
  * Desktop-BSD为桌面/个人环境设计的BSD分支。
  * Darwin是苹果公司的项目、Mac OS X的基础,很大程度上使用FreeBSD的代码和工具。
  * FreeSBIE项目提供FreeBSD各个发行版本的live CD,类似于基于Linux的Knoppix项目。
  * Frenzy是另一个基于FreeBSD的live CD项目,主要针对俄语用户。启动中按“e”才是英文版界面。
  * BSDeviant是一个FreeBSD的live CD项目,目的在于产生可以存在一张迷你CD-R上的系统。
  * PicoBSD为了在单张1.44MB磁片执行而设计的FreeBSD精简版本。
  * m0n0wall是一个基于FreeBSD的防火墙项目。
  * PC-BSD为桌面/个人环境设计的BSD分支。
  * relaxBSD为桌面/个人环境设计的BSD分支, 由华人开发, 注重中文环境。
 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-13 15:09:37 | 显示全部楼层
Release Information
Production Release:
Production (Legacy) Release:
Snapshot Releases
Ported Applications
FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE Announcement

The FreeBSD Release Engineering Team is pleased to announce the availability of FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE. This is the first release from the stable/9 branch, which improves on stable/8 and adds many new features. Some of the highlights:

A new installer, bsdinstall(8) has been added and is the installer used by the ISO images provided as part of this release

The Fast Filesystem now supports softupdates journaling

ZFS updated to version 28

Updated ATA/SATA drivers support AHCI, moved into updated CAM framework

Highly Available Storage (HAST) framework

Kernel support for Capsicum Capability Mode, an experimental set of features for sandboxing support

User-level DTrace

The TCP/IP stack now supports pluggable congestion control framework and five congestion control algorithm implementations available

NFS subsystem updated, new implementation supports NFSv4 in addition to NFSv3 and NFSv2

High Performance SSH (HPN-SSH)

Flattened device tree (FDT), simplifying FreeBSD configuration for embedded platforms

The powerpc architecture now supports Sony Playstation 3

The LLVM compiler infrastructure and clang have been imported

Gnome version 2.32.1, KDE version 4.7.3

For a complete list of new features and known problems, please see the online release notes and errata list available at:



For more information about FreeBSD release engineering activities please see:



The FreeBSD Project dedicates the FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE to the memory of Dennis M. Ritchie, one of the founding fathers of the UNIX[tm] operating system. It is on the foundation laid by the work of visionaries like Dennis that software like the FreeBSD operating system came to be. The fact that his work of so many years ago continues to influence new design decisions to this very day speaks for the brilliant engineer that he was.

May he rest in peace.


FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE is now available for the amd64, i386, ia64, powerpc, powerpc64, and sparc64 architectures.

FreeBSD 9.0 can be installed from bootable ISO images or over the network. Some architectures also support installing from a USB memory stick. The required files can be downloaded via FTP or BitTorrent as described in the sections below. While some of the smaller FTP mirrors may not carry all architectures, they will all generally contain the more common ones such as amd64 and i386.

NOTE: A problem was discovered with the DVD images for amd64 and i386 architectures shortly after they were loaded on the FTP distribution server. Those images have since been replaced and we have allowed enough time that the newer images should have distributed to all the FTP servers that carry the release. If you downloaded the amd64 or i386 DVD images prior to this announcement it would be a good idea to verify the checksums of the image you downloaded with the checksums provided as part of this Release Announcement. The only thing wrong with the images that were replaced is that sysinstall(8) can not be used to install the pre-built packages on the DVD. Other than that there is nothing different on the updated images. The bad DVD images were never available on BitTorrent.

MD5 and SHA256 hashes for the release ISO images are included at the bottom of this message.

The purpose of the images provided as part of the release are as follows:

This contains everything necessary to install the base FreeBSD operating system, a collection of pre-built packages aimed at getting a graphical workstation up and running. It also supports booting into a "livefs" based rescue mode. This should be all you need if you can burn and use DVD-sized media.

This contains the base FreeBSD operating system. It also supports booting into a "livefs" based rescue mode. There are no pre-built packages.

This supports booting a machine using the CDROM drive but does not contain the support for installing FreeBSD from the CD itself. You would need to perform a network based install (e.g. from an FTP server) after booting from the CD.

This can be written to an USB memory stick (flash drive) and used to do an install on machines capable of booting off USB drives. It also supports booting into a "livefs" based rescue mode. There are no pre-built packages.

As one example of how to use the memstick image, assuming the USB drive appears as /dev/da0 on your machine something like this should work:

# dd if=FreeBSD-9.0-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img of=/dev/da0 bs=10240 conv=sync
Be careful to make sure you get the target (of=) correct.

FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE can also be purchased on CD-ROM or DVD from several vendors. One of the vendors that will be offering FreeBSD 9.0-based products is:

FreeBSD Mall, Inc. http://www.freebsdmall.com/


9.0-RELEASE ISOs are available via BitTorrent. A collection of torrent files to download the images is available at:



At the time of this announcement the following FTP sites have FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE available.

However before trying these sites please check your regional mirror(s) first by going to:


Any additional mirror sites will be labeled ftp2, ftp3 and so on.

More information about FreeBSD mirror sites can be found at:

http://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US ... ok/mirrors-ftp.html

For instructions on installing FreeBSD or updating an existing machine to 9.0-RELEASE please see:



The FreeBSD Security Team currently plans to support FreeBSD 9.0 until January 31st, 2013. For more information on the Security Team and their support of the various FreeBSD branches see:


Other Projects Based on FreeBSD

There are many "third party" Projects based on FreeBSD. The Projects range from re-packaging FreeBSD into a more "novice friendly" distribution to making FreeBSD available on Amazon's EC2 infrastructure. For more information about these Third Party Projects see:

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