



楼主: liuxingyuan

Check Point 发布了基于全新软件Blade架构的最新安全网关和管理产品R70-中文全球首发

 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-2 00:31:11 | 显示全部楼层
URL Filtering Software Blade URL过滤软件刀片)

The Check Point URL Filtering Software Blade protects users and enterprises by restricting access to an array of potentially dangerous sites and pre-profiled content, blocking inappropriate Web surfing to over 20-million URLs. Pre-configured policy templates enable quick and simple deployment of policies using content categories. All content profiles are kept continually current through a Check Point software update service.
Check Point URL过滤软件刀片保护了用户和企业,限制访问一系列潜在危险的网站和预先定义的内容,阻止不恰当的Web冲浪,超过2000万的URL。预先配置的策略模板能快速简单的部署策略,使用了内容分类。所有内容轮廓通过Check Point软件升级服务器保持最新。
Key Benefits (主要优点)
² Protects employees from inappropriate or dangerous content (保护雇员远离不恰当或危险的内容)
² Protects enterprises from inappropriate or illegal use of valuable network resources(保护企业远离不恰当内容或不合法的适用网络宝贵的资源)
² Customizable any organizational policy (自定义的组织策略)
² Automated to require minimum maintenance (最小维护的自动化需求)
² Activates in seconds(在数秒内激活)

[ 本帖最后由 liuxingyuan 于 2009-3-2 00:34 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-2 00:35:16 | 显示全部楼层
Passive operation or active alerts to policy violations(被动操作或规则违反激活)
Covers 20-million-plus URLs (覆盖2000+URLs
Pre-configured content categories enable quick implementation of policies(预定义的内容分类能快速地实现策略)
Ongoing updates assure that policies are current for maximum protection (在线升级确保策略最新提供最大化保护)
White listing and black listing provides highly granular access control(白名单列表和黑名单列表提供高颗粒度的访问控制)
Instant licensing get’s you running in seconds on installed Check Point containers(在已安装Check Point的容器内即时授权,几秒内即可运行)

The Internet is constantly changing with thousands of potentially problematic and unsafe sites arriving every day. Check Point URL Software Blade updates makes maintaining a safe and productive work environment automated and easy by continually and automatically updating itself with recently discovered problem sites. Content categories are also updated automatically, enforcing previously configured content policies, minimizing ongoing maintenance.
Internet持续的改变,每天产生成千的潜在问题和不安全的站点。Check Point URL软件刀片升级,保持了一个安全的和高效的环境,随着最新发现的问题站点,自动地并且容易的自动升级。内容分类也自动地升级,强制执行已经定义的配置内容策略,最小化在线维护。
Benefits (优点)
² Effortlessly maintains a safe and productive working environment – Enables enterprises to continually maintain a safe work environment while allowing unfettered access relevant content轻松地维护一个安全的和高效的工作环境—企业能持续不断的维护一个安全的工作环境,而允许访问相关的内容)
² 24x7 Threat Coverage – Check Point Security Gateways are supported by multiple Check Point Research and Response Centers around the globe24x7 威胁覆盖Check Point安全网关,全球多个Check Point研究和响应中心支持)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-2 00:36:09 | 显示全部楼层
Antivirus & Anti-Malware Software Blade(反病毒与反恶意软件刀片)

Overview (概述)
Viruses are a major threat to businesses. They have become more dangerous and sophisticated, and have evolved into worms, blended threats (which use combinations of malicious code and vulnerabilities for infection and spread) and trojans.
Check Point Antivirus & Anti-Spyware Software Blade protects against threats transmitted through HTTP, FTP, SMTP and POP3 protocols. Using a continually updated list of antivirus and antispyware signatures and anomaly-based protections, the Antivirus and Anti-Malware Software Blade stops viruses and other malware at the gateway before they affect users. Businesses gain the benefits of the easy management using the familiar Check Point user interfaces that includes policy management, logging and monitoring. By default all protocols are scanned, and options for each protocol can be centrally configured.
Check Point反病毒与反间谍软件刀片抵御通过HTTPFTPSMTPPOP3协议传播的威胁。使用持续升级的反病毒核反间谍软件签名和基于异常分析的保护机制,反病毒与反恶意软件刀片在病毒和其他恶意软件影响用户之前,在网关上已被阻止。企业获取了易于管理的优点,使用熟悉的Check Point用户接口,包括策略管理,日志和监视。默认情况下,所有的协议都被扫描,每个协议能集中的配置选项。
Key Benefits(主要优点)
² Stops virus threats before they infect end users and before they spread(在病毒威胁影响终端用户和他们传播之前被阻止)
² Protects the enterprise against productivity and data loss(保护企业生产力,和防止数据丢失)
² Continually updates for real-time protection against emerging threats(持续的升级,实时的保护,抵御新出现的威胁)
² Simple configuration and low-overhead management(简单的配置和低开销的管理)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-2 00:37:49 | 显示全部楼层
Real-time Antivirus and Anti-malware scanning at the gateway(在网关上实时的反病毒和反恶意软件扫描)
Continuous Download Scanning(持续下载扫描)
Scan By Direction(方向扫描)
Granular Scanning Policy(细粒度扫描策略)
Archived File Support(存档文件支持)
Real-time Antivirus and Anti-malware scanning at the gateway(在网关上实时反病毒和反恶意软件扫描)
Because the Antivirus and Anti-Malware Software Blade is installed at the gateway, it can stop infections before they have a chance to affect users. This eliminates the cost of remediation, work outages and sensitive data loss.
Continuous Download Scanning (持续的下载扫描)
Continuous Download Scanning analyzes files for infection as they are downloaded. If a virus is detected during the scan, file delivery to the client is immediately terminated, preventing the infection from taking hold. Specific file types can be excluded from Continuous Download Scanning if needed.
Scan By Direction(按方向扫描)
Scan By Direction allows users to detect and scan files moving in a particular direction such as to or from external network or when crossing as DMZ. Configuration is done by direction, not by host, enabling security managers to enforce broader policies with simpler rules. Exceptions are also supported. These allow specific users or network devices to transfer files unfettered.
Centralized and Granular Policy Configuration and Enforcement(集中化和强制粒度策略配置)
Network-wide policies can be configured centrally once and then applied across the entire security domain. These include highly granular policies that, for example, designate which specific network connections are to be scanned.
Archived File Support(存档文件支持)
As archived files flow over the network they are decompressed and scanned for viruses and mal-ware in real-time. Archives, including nested archives, of any size are supported.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-2 00:38:24 | 显示全部楼层
Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware protection is only as good their latest update. Hackers are constantly using increasingly sophisticated means to infect and infiltrate business systems, leading to costly data breeches, costly clean-ups and lost productivity. To protect against these global threats, continual global vigilance and real-time updates are required, a nearly impossible task for any business or individual.
Maintained by a global network of Check Point Research and Response Centers, the Check Point Anti-Virus Software Blade update service automatically and effortlessly maintains the latest virus or mal-ware protections in real-time. This virtually eliminates the time between when a threat is discovered and the business is protected.
通过全球网络的Check Point研究和响应中心维护,Check Point反病毒软件刀片升级服务自动和有效地维护最新版本的病毒和恶意软件,提供实时保护。这几乎消除了当威胁被发现和企业被防护之间的时间差。
² Maintains business continuity – Real-time delivery of the latest protections prevent viruses and malware from disrupting the business持续企业维护—实时交付最新保护阻止病毒和恶意软件中断商业运行)
² Prevents Costly Data Losses – Prevents hackers from exploiting the latest vulnerabilities to steal sensitive customer or business data阻止有价值数据丢失—阻止黑客通过最新的弱点漏洞窃取敏感的客户信息和商业数据)
² Delivers 24x7 Global Threat Coverage – Check Point Research and Response Centers deliver a global awareness to local Check Point Antivirus & Anti-Malware Software Blades with constant vigilance and continual system updates 提供24x7全球威胁覆盖Check Point研究和响应中心提供了完整的感知通知本地的Check Point 反病毒与反恶意软件刀片持续的警惕和持续的系统升级。
 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-2 00:39:38 | 显示全部楼层
Anti-Spam & Email Security Software Blade(反垃圾邮件与邮件安全刀片)

Spam and destructive Email cost companies billions of dollars in lost productivity every year. The Check Point Anti-Spam and Email Security Software Blade provides comprehensive protection for an organization's messaging infrastructure. A multidimensional approach protects the email infrastructure, provides highly accurate spam protection, and defends organizations from a wide variety of virus and malware threats delivered within email. Continual updates assure that all threats are intercepted before they spread.
垃圾邮件和破坏性邮件每年造成数十亿美元的损失。Check Point反垃圾与邮件安全软件刀片为组织的消息基础架构提供了综合的保护。多维的保护邮件基础架构,提供高度准确的垃圾邮件防护,和保护组织免于各种通过邮件传播的病毒和恶意软件的攻击。持续的升级确保所有威胁在它们传播之前被截获。
Key Benefits(主要优点)
² Best detection/accuracy performance: 97% spam detection coupled with low false positives(最佳的检测/精确的性能:97%的垃圾邮件被检测,加之很低的误报率)
² Real-Time detection and updates: immediate protection from new spam and malware outbreaks(实时监测和升级:立即防护新的垃圾邮件和恶意软件爆发)
² full user control, with no user installation (完全的用户控制,没有用户安装)
² Simple configuration and low-overhead management(简单的配置和低开销的管理)
² Protects against phishing and fraudulent email-borne attacks(防止网络钓鱼和欺骗性的邮件攻击)

[ 本帖最后由 liuxingyuan 于 2009-3-2 00:41 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-2 00:41:33 | 显示全部楼层
IP Reputation Anti-SpamIP信誉反垃圾邮件)
Content-based Anti-Spam (基于内容的反垃圾邮件)
Block/allow list Anti-Spam (阻止/允许反垃圾邮件列表)
Mail Antivirus (邮件反病毒)
Zero-hour Outbreak Protection (零时爆发防护)
Email IPS Protections(电子邮件IPS防护)
IP Reputation Anti-SpamIP信誉反垃圾邮件)
Blocks spam and malware at the connection level by checking the sender’s reputation against a dynamic database of known malicious IP addresses
Content-based Anti-Spam(基于内容的反垃圾邮件)
Protects against advanced forms of spam, including image-based and foreign-language spam, using pattern-based detection
Block/allow list Anti-Spam(阻止/允许反垃圾邮件列表)
Utilizes block or allow lists to deny obvious email offenders and allow trusted senders
Mail Antivirus(邮件反病毒)
Protects against a wide range of viruses and malware, including scans of message content and attachments
Zero-hour Outbreak Protection(零时爆发保护)
Defends against new spam and malware outbreaks by using and distributing analysis engine
Email IPS Protections (电子邮件IPS保护)
Protects against a broad range of threats, including DoS and buffer over-flow attacks, that target the messaging infrastructure itself
 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-2 00:42:13 | 显示全部楼层
Spammers are constantly using increasingly sophisticated means to infect and infiltrate email and email delivery systems, leading to lost productivity, wasted resources and even data loss. To protect against these threats, continual global analysis and real-time update services are required.
Maintained by a global network of Check Point Research and Response Centers, the Check Point Anti-Spam and Email Security update service automatically and effortlessly protects against the latest email threats, reducing over 80% of incoming messages at the entry-point, before they enter the network. Over one billion messages per day are continually analyzed, providing visibility into network traffic at every global location. That analysis is then applied through real-time updates that protect business productivity and resources.
被全球网络的Check Point研究和响应中心支持,Check Point反垃圾与邮件安全升级服务自动并轻松的抵御最新的威胁,在他们进入网络之前,减少了超过80%的到达端点进站消息。每天超过10亿的消息被持续的分析,提供全球的每一个位置流量的可见性。这些分析然后被应用在实时升级以保护企业生产力和资源。
² Eliminates spam – Reduces over 80% of incoming messages at the entry-point, before these messages enter the network 消灭垃圾邮件—在他们进入网络之前,消除了到达端点超过80%的进站消息)
² Maintains business productivity – Provides real-time delivery of the latest protections to prevent spam from wasting users time and burning valuable IT resources维持企业生产力—提供实时的交付最新的防护阻止垃圾邮件浪费用户的时间和珍贵的IT资源)
² Prevents Costly Data Losses – Stops email threats from entering the network to steal sensitive customer or business data 阻止有价值数据的丢失—停止邮件威胁,防止进入网络窃取敏感的客户信息或商业数据)
² Delivers 24x7 Global Threat Coverage - Check Point Research and Response Centers deliver a global awareness to local Check Point Anti-Spam and Email Security Software Blades with constant vigilance and continual system updates 交付24x7全球威胁覆盖Check Point研究和响应中心提供了完整的感知通知本地Check Point反垃圾和邮件安全刀片持续的警惕和经常的系统升级)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-2 00:43:42 | 显示全部楼层
Advanced Networking Software Blade (高级网络软件刀片)

The Check Point Advanced Networking Software Blade makes it easier for administrators to deploy security within complex and highly utilized network environments making this ideal for high-end enterprise and datacenter environments where performance and availability are critical. It includes a number of advanced networking features such as dynamic routing, multicast support, Quality of Service (QoS) prioritization and application load balancing. These features combine to optimize network and users performance by, for example, assigning a high priority to business-critical applications and users. Even with huge volumes of traffic, the Advanced Networking Software Blade efficiently manages an ever-increasing number of client connections and activities. As a result employee productivity remains high, your business is properly supported, and online experiences are positive.
Check Point高级网络软件刀片使管理者容易的在复杂和高度利用的网络环境中部署安全,是高端企业和数据中心的理想选择,那里的性能和可用性是非常关键的。包括一定数量的高级网络特性,比如:动态路由,组播支持,质量服务(QoS)优先级,应用负载均衡。这些特性综合了优化的网络和用户性能,例如,指派关键的商业应用程序和用户为高优先级。甚至巨大流量,高级网络软件刀片有效的管理越来越多的客户端连接数量和活动连接。作为结果,雇员的生产力保持在高水平,你的企业被适当的支持,在线的体验是明显的。
Key Benefits (主要优点)
² Enhances security infrastructure reliability and performance (增强安全基础架构的可靠性和性能)
² Reduces need for routers at branch offices (减少分支机构路由器的需求)
² Guarantees bandwidth to critical applications (保证关键应用的带宽)
² Optimizes performance for mission-critical traffic (为关键流量优化性能)
² Proactive management of network costs (网络成本前摄性管理)
² Improved application performance (提高应用性能)
² Intelligent traffic redirection (智能流量重定向)
² Leverage of existing hardware investments(促进已经存在硬件增值)
² Application load balancing that includes security policy(包括了安全策略的应用程序负载均衡)

[ 本帖最后由 liuxingyuan 于 2009-3-2 00:45 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-2 00:45:50 | 显示全部楼层
Advanced Routing (高级路由)
Multicast Protocol Support (组播支持)
Quality of Service for both encrypted and unencrypted traffic (对加密和非加密流量的QoS
Flexible Server Load Balancing (灵活的负载均衡服务器)
Advanced Routing(高级路由)
For organizations looking to implement scalable, fault-tolerant, secure networks, Advanced Networking enables them to run industry-standard dynamic routing protocols including BGP, OSPF, RIPv1, and RIPv2 on security gateways. OSPF, RIPv1, and RIPv2 enable dynamic routing over a single autonomous system—like a single department, company, or service provider—to avoid network failures. BGP provides dynamic routing support across more complex networks involving multiple autonomous systems—such as when a company uses two service providers or divides a network into multiple areas with different administrators responsible for the performance of each.
为组织实现可升级的,容错的,安全的网络,高级网络刀片使他们能在安全网关上运行工业标准的动态路由协议,包括BGPOSPFRIPv1RIPv2OSPFRIPv1,和RIPv2使动态路由协议运行在一个单一的自治系统上—像一个单一部门,公司或服务提供商——避免网络失效。BGP提供了动态路由支持复杂的网络跨越了几个自治系统 例如当一个企业使用两个服务提供商或把网络分割为多个区域,使用不同的管理者各自管理其性能。
Multicast Protocol Support (组播支持)
Advanced Networking also integrates multicast protocol support, including IGMP, PIM-DM, and PIM-SM. By incorporating multicast protocols, Advanced Networking enables security gateways to efficiently and effectively manage which multicast sessions, such as stock tickers or videoconferencing, to forward into their networks.
Quality of Service for both encrypted and unencrypted traffic(为加密和非加密的流量提供质量服务)
Advanced Networking lets you to prioritize business-critical traffic such as ERP, database, and Web services traffic over less time-critical traffic. It also allows you to guarantee bandwidth and control latency for streaming applications such as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and video conferencing. In addition, with highly granular controls, Advanced Networking enables guaranteed or priority access to specific employees—even if they are remotely accessing network resources through a VPN tunnel.
Flexible Server Load Balancing(灵活的服务器负载均衡)
Each connection request is directed to a specific server based on one of the Advanced Networking Software Blade’s five pre-defined load balancing algorithms. The server load algorithm prevents any server from handling a disproportionately high volume of traffic. Each incoming connection request is directed to the server experiencing the lightest load.
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