



楼主: network

$NVDA 2025 年的目标价为 285 美元。。。。大预测

 楼主| 发表于 2024-10-11 07:03:40 | 显示全部楼层
$NVDA Morgan Stanley - CEO meetings highlight both the magnitude and length of the accelerated computing runway

- Every indication from management is that we are still early in a long term AI investment cycle

- Newest element is the much more complex inference coming from "long thinking", inference interactions requiring substantially more computation

- Blackwell systems NVL36/72 remains the best solution for those challenges, providing systems level differentiation vs. merchant and custom alternatives.

- Shorter term, Blackwell ramp progressing on schedule with that product sold out next 12 months, pointing to continued strong conditions

- Remain OW, remains our Top Pick in semis

翻译自 英语
$NVDA摩根士丹利 - CEO 会议强调加速计算跑道的规模和长度

- 管理层的每一个迹象都表明,我们仍处于长期人工智能投资周期的早期阶段

- 最新元素是来自“长期思考”的更复杂的推理,推理交互需要更多的计算

- Blackwell 系统 NVL36/72 仍然是应对这些挑战的最佳解决方案,与商家和定制替代方案相比,它提供了系统级差异化。

- 短期来看,Blackwell 产能提升按计划进行,该产品将在 12 个月内销售一空,这表明市场状况将继续保持强劲

- 继续保持 OW 评级,继续成为半决赛的首选
 楼主| 发表于 2024-10-11 07:14:30 | 显示全部楼层



 楼主| 发表于 2024-10-11 08:19:14 | 显示全部楼层
I honestly don’t know how people manage portfolios with 20+ stocks, or even 10+. I’m focused on AI stocks, mostly Nvidia, and even that feels like a full-time job. The AI space moves so fast, and every day there's something new to keep up with.

I remember being overwhelmed when I was all-in on Tesla, but looking back, that feels simple compared to now. With Tesla, we spent way too much time dissecting Elon’s tweets and distractions. At least Jensen stays focused on the tech and vision—none of that social media chaos.

On top of that, I’m always on the lookout for interesting developments to analyze and write about for my readers. It’s an inspiring job, and I love every second of it, especially because it aligns with my investments.

翻译自 英语
说实话,我不知道人们如何管理拥有 20 多只股票,甚至 10 多只股票的投资组合。我专注于人工智能股票,主要是 Nvidia,甚至这都感觉像是一份全职工作。人工智能领域发展如此之快,每天都有新事物需要跟上。


 楼主| 发表于 2024-10-12 07:59:22 | 显示全部楼层

$AMZN Pivotal Research Starts at Buy PT $260

Amazon has a deep moat around their core businesses driven by their unmatched scale and has what appears to be the largest organic revenue growth opportunity of any mega cap tech company (other than arguably NVDA (N/R)) driven primarily by their AWS cloud segment (which we expect to grow from 17% of revenue to ~35% in 5 years), extension of their e-commerce/fulfillment arms into new segments/internationally, continued rapid growth in their advertising business [already #3 in the world behind $GOOG (BUY) and $META (BUY)] and proven ability to develop new successful products/revenue streams. This is all enhanced by what we believe is the highest potential of their peers to materially boost operating margins driven by scale, leveraging robotics/AI and benefits from an increasing % of revenue from high margin cloud computing/advertising combined with what appears to be an attractive valuation.

翻译自 英语
$AMZN Pivotal Research 起价为买入价 260 美元

亚马逊的核心业务受到其无可匹敌的规模的驱动,其护城河很深,而且似乎拥有所有大型科技公司中最大的有机收入增长机会(除了 NVDA (N/R)),这主要得益于其 AWS 云部门(我们预计该部门的收入占比将在 5 年内从 17% 增长到 35% 左右)、其电子商务/履行部门向新领域/国际的扩展、广告业务的持续快速增长 [已经位居$GOOG (买入)和$META (买入)之后的全球第三] 以及开发新的成功产品/收入来源的能力。我们认为,在同行中,亚马逊最有潜力通过规模化、利用机器人/人工智能大幅提高营业利润率,并受益于高利润率云计算/广告收入占比的不断增加,再加上看似具有吸引力的估值,这一切都进一步增强了亚马逊的盈利能力
 楼主| 发表于 2024-10-12 08:07:26 | 显示全部楼层
$AVGO BofA Top Pick - Well Positioned in AI PT $215

We were pleased to host investors for a well-attended headquarters meeting with Broadcom CEO Hock Tan, CFO Kirsten Spears and IR head Ji Yoo. We maintain Buy and consider AVGO a top pick (along with NVDA, KLAC) as we believe AVGO presents a unique combination of silicon (AI compute ASIC, networking), recurring software (VMWare) and cash returns (consistent double digit dividend growth). As expected, the meeting focused on AVGO's growing AI opportunity, around $12bn or 24% of sales in FY24, with a longer-term TAM of $100-$125bn, focused largely on growing internal workloads. Demand for AVGO's networking is growing rapidly as the size of large language models is driving ever increasing AI cluster sizes (100K accelerator or XPU cluster going to 1mn over time.) Near-term (next 12months) management characterized AI visibility as pretty good, with good support/adequate supply from the Asia supply chain, refuting investor concerns about packaging (CoWos) allocation.

翻译自 英语
$AVGO美国银行首选股 - 人工智能领域处于有利地位 PT $215

我们很高兴邀请投资者参加总部会议,出席人数众多,会议由 Broadcom 首席执行官 Hock Tan、首席财务官 Kirsten Spears 和投资者关系主管 Ji Yoo 出席。我们维持“买入”评级,并将 AVGO 视为首选(与 NVDA、KLAC 一起),因为我们认为 AVGO 提供了独特的硅片(AI 计算 ASIC、网络)、经常性软件(VMWare)和现金回报(持续两位数的股息增长)组合。正如预期的那样,会议重点关注 AVGO 不断增长的 AI 机会,2024 财年销售额约为 120 亿美元,占销售额的 24%,长期 TAM 为 1000-1250 亿美元,主要关注不断增长的内部工作量。随着大型语言模型的规模推动 AI 集群规模不断扩大(100K 加速器或 XPU 集群随着时间的推移将增加到 100 万),对 AVGO 网络的需求正在迅速增长。短期(未来 12 个月)管理层将 AI 可见性描述为相当不错,亚洲供应链提供良好的支持/充足的供应,驳斥了投资者对包装(CoWos)分配的担忧。
 楼主| 发表于 2024-10-14 12:42:18 | 显示全部楼层
If tested $NVDA can bounce back to the 138.13 channel top within several days.

Downside, if $NVDA were to close below 132.26 tomorrow expect a drop to 130, then 124.

上周继续缓慢走高,但上方仍有显著阻力(138.13 通道顶部)。
明天需要关注的关键水平是 132.26 通道底部,每日低点可位于此处。
如果测试$NVDA ,可以在几天内反弹至 138.13 通道顶部。
下行方面,若$NVDA明天收于 132.26 以下,则预计将跌至 130,然后是 124。

上午8:45 · 2024年10月14日

 楼主| 发表于 7 天前 | 显示全部楼层
The AI race goes on.

Google said that it will purchase power from small modular reactor developer Kairos Power, as tech companies increasingly turn to nuclear power as a way to fulfill the growing energy demands from data centers.

Constellation Energy is restarting Three Mile Island to power Microsoft data centers, while Amazon bought a data center from Talen Energy that’s powered by the Susquehanna nuclear power plant.

All runs something in common, it's Nvidia's GPUs.

翻译自 英语

谷歌表示,将从小型模块化反应堆开发商 Kairos Power 购买电力,因为科技公司越来越多地转向使用核电来满足数据中心日益增长的能源需求。

Constellation Energy 正在重启三哩岛核电站,为微软数据中心提供电力,而亚马逊则从 Talen Energy 购买了一个由萨斯奎哈纳核电站提供电力的数据中心。

所有运行都有一个共同点,那就是 Nvidia 的 GPU。
 楼主| 发表于 7 天前 | 显示全部楼层
One key thing people often misunderstand about Nvidia: modernizing trillions worth of outdated CPU-based data center infrastructure and building generative AI data centers both rely on the same Nvidia technology.

We are talking about ~$1T to $2T DC investment over the next few years.

翻译自 英语
人们经常对 Nvidia 产生一个关键误解:对价值数万亿美元的过时的基于 CPU 的数据中心基础设施进行现代化改造以及构建生成式 AI 数据中心都依赖于相同的 Nvidia 技术。

我们谈论的是未来几年约 1 万亿到 2 万亿美元的 DC 投资。
 楼主| 发表于 7 天前 | 显示全部楼层
Why is $NVDA on track to reach a new record high closing price?

• $GOOGL ordered 400K GB200 chips valued at $10B.
• $MSFT purchased 60K GB200 chips worth $2B.
• $META acquired 360K GB200 chips for $8B.

Demand for Nvidia's Blackwell chip is absolutely INSANE  🤩

翻译自 英语

• $GOOGL订购了 400K GB200 芯片,价值 100 亿美元。
• $MSFT购买了价值 $ 2B的 60K GB200 芯片。
• $META以 80 亿美元收购了 360K GB200 芯片。

Nvidia 的 Blackwell 芯片需求量绝对疯狂🤩
 楼主| 发表于 7 天前 | 显示全部楼层
We called $NVDA $150 target back in September, and it seems we're right on track! 😉🚀

BX trender is still showing bullish accumulation and serious money coming in behind this push.

Find out what I'm looking for to continue this rally 🥳👇

翻译自 英语
我们在 9 月份设定了 150 美元的目标$NVDA ,看来我们正朝着正确的方向前进! 😉🚀

BX 趋势线仍然显示看涨积累和大量资金流入。

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