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Introducing Check Point 3D Security

发表于 2011-2-9 09:34:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Introducing Check Point 3D Security

Check Point’s new vision redefines security by combining policies, people and enforcement for unbeatable protection
Check Point 3D Security vision redefines security as a 3-dimensional business process that combines policies, people and enforcement for stronger protection across all layers of security—including network, data and endpoints. To achieve the level of protection needed in the 21st century, security needs to grow from a collection of disparate technologies to an effective business process. With 3D Security, organizations can now implement a blueprint for security that goes beyond technology to ensure the integrity of all information security.
Check Point 3D Security enables organizations to redefine security by integrating the 3 following dimensions into a business process:

r75-globe-policies.jpg r75-globe-people.jpg r75-globe-enforce.jpg
Policies that support business needs and transform security into a business processSecurity that involves People in policy definition, education and incident remediationEnforce, consolidate and control all layers of security- network, data, application, content and user

Check Point’s latest version of its leading network security suite, Check Point R75, is the first release to implement elements of the Check Point 3D Security vision.

Security starts with a widely understood and well-defined policy—closely aligned to business needs and strategies. Yet, many organizations today do not have such a policy; instead companies rely on a collection of system-level checks and disparate technologies.  This can reduce the level of organizational security while increasing the cost of compliance and corporate governance reporting.

Today’s corporations can now develop a blueprint that supports their corporate and governance needs, while strengthening their information security.  Check Point R75 provides a strong foundation for 3D security in a single, unified solution that promotes the definition of a security policy and process that’s aligned to user and business needs.

Users of IT systems are an integral part of the security process.  It is often users who make mistakes that result in malware infections and information leakage.  While security should be as seamless and transparent to users as possible, the most effective security is one that engages and educates users on security policy enforcement—as well as their expected behavior when accessing corporate networks and data.

Check Point R75 brings a differentiated, modern approach to security by providing a combination of robust security technology and user awareness.  Check Point’s unique UserCheck™ technology engages employees in the remediation of potential security incidents and enables IT administrators to tailor policies based on level of risk and user needs.

Network security is about gaining better control over all layers of protection. In a world of too many disparate point products, organizations often lose—rather than gain—control over their security. In addition, security systems are only reporting on violations and not proactively enforcing policy in many cases. Companies can achieve a higher level of visibility and control by consolidating their security infrastructure and using systems that prevent security incidents rather than just detecting them.

Check Point R75 enables customers to extend the firewall into a multi-function and multi-dimensional gateway that consolidates protection into a single, unified solution.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-9 11:30:18 | 显示全部楼层
回复 1# network

Check Point 提倡崭新3D安全方针

在全球互联网安全领域首屈一指的Check Point软件技术有限公司最近宣布一个其全新的“3D安全”方针,这个理念的要点是指出安全保护应该是一个三维的立体商业流程,通过整合安全政策、人员以及到位的执行力,为各个层面提供固若金汤的安全防护。凭着3D安全方针,企业能够掌握及实施一个超越技术层次的安全蓝图,确保得到周全的信息安全。

Check Point创始人兼首席执行官
Gil Shwed
表示:“要达到21世纪的安全保护水平,这不能单靠凑合各种不同的安全技术,而需要借助一个通过整合安全政策、人员及执行力的三维商业流程。Check Point3D安全理念把安全界定为一个商业流程,它能帮助企业在得到所需安全保护水平之余,也能精简其业务操作。”

Check Point




IDC安全产品调研部高级分析师John Grady表示,“为改进安全保护,企业需要结合技术、政策和人员,Check Point

Check Point也宣布推出Check Point R75,这款重要网络安全方案演绎3D安全方针。如需得到更多有关Check Point 3D安全和Check Point R75的信息,请访问:http://www.checkpoint.com/campaigns/3d-security/index.html

Gil Shwed
企业应把安全保护看待成一种支持商业的行为。Check Point

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