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发表于 2008-4-16 12:53:45
CrossBeam Break--CrossBeam配置使用总结系列(三)
本帖被 admin 执行加亮操作(2008-04-15)
这里我介绍的是CrossBeam 目前高端X80系列,X80设备包含一下模块:
机箱重量: 45公斤
Welcome to the Configuration Interview
This program is designed to guide you through the configuration of
your system by prompting you with a series of simple questions.
Internal Control Network
A network address needs to be specified for the system's internal
control network to allow the processor modules to communicate.
This network requires a 16-bit network mask and should not conflict
with any other network X80 will communicate with. If you change the default value to something other than, X80 MUST be rebooted to make this setting effective. To reboot the system use the "reload" command at the end of the interview.
Enter the control network address <>:
System Identifier
The system identifier is used to identify the different X80 systems that are connected together via the "Control Link". All of the systems connected together in this fashion should have the same Internal Control Network address and unique system identifiers. Modifying this parameter will also require a system reload.
Enter the system identifier <0 - 255>[0]: 1
Enter the system hostname : CrossBeam
Configuring the Primary CP:
Enter IP address and mask for Management port :
Each CPM has an Gigabit Ethernet interface called "Logging interface" that can be used for a variety of different operations, such as packet logging or the mounting of remote disks, etc.
Configure the Logging interface <Y or N>[N]:
Default gateway <A.B.C.D>:
Configure CP redundancy <Y or N>[N]: N
Management Access
Access to these management services is limited to specified hosts
or networks. Please enter the network that you want to access these
management services
Enter Network address for Management Access :
Would you like to add more networks <Y or N>[N]:
NTP Server
Synchronizing the X80's system clock with an accurate source is
important for proper correlation of security events. The X80 uses
NTP (Network Time Protocol) to achieve time sychronization. The IP
address of a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server must be specified.
Configure NTP Server <Y or N>[Y]:N
Select a time zone based on the location of your system.
Select a continent or ocean.
1) Africa
2) Americas
3) Antarctica
4) Arctic Ocean
5) Asia
Etc . . .
Enter choice <1 - 11>: 5
Select a country.
1) United Arab Emirates 18) Jordan 35) Philippines
2) Afghanistan 19) Japan 36) Pakistan
3) Armenia 20) Kyrgyzstan 37) Palestine
4) Azerbaijan 21) Cambodia 38) Qatar
5) Bangladesh 22) Korea (North) 39) Russia
6) Bahrain 23) Korea (South) 40) Saudi Arabia
7) Brunei 24) Kuwait 41) Singapore
8) Bhutan 25) Kazakhstan 42) Syria
9) China 26) Laos 43) Thailand
10) Cyprus 27) Lebanon 44) Tajikistan
11) Georgia 28) Sri Lanka 45) Turkmenistan
12) Hong Kong 29) Myanmar (Burma) 46) East Timor
13) Indonesia 30) Mongolia 47) Taiwan
14) Israel 31) Macau 48) Uzbekistan
15) India 32) Malaysia 49) Vietnam
16) Iraq 33) Nepal 50) Yemen
Enter choice <1 - 50>: 9
Select region.
1) east China - Beijing, Guangdong, Shanghai, etc.
2) Heilongjiang
3) central China - Gansu, Guizhou, Sichuan, Yunnan, etc.
4) Tibet & most of Xinjiang Uyghur
5) southwest Xinjiang Uyghur
Enter choice <1 - 5>: 1
System Time
The current date and time on this system is Sun Sep 3 04:37:09 EDT 2006
Would you like to modify System time <Y or N>[N]: Y
Enter the time in hh:mm:ss format : 16:00:00
Please provide the date in "Mon DD YYYY" format, where
Mon : month in the form Jan, Feb, etc.
DD : day of month (1 - 31),
YYYY: year such as 2002.
Enter the date : Nov 2 2006
Management Services
Several methods are available for managing your X80 through the
10/100 Ethernet interface on the Control Processor Module. Select
the desired management services.
Enable Telnet server <Y or N>[N]: N
Enable FTP server <Y or N>[N]: N
In order to manage the X80 box via the Crossbeam Graphical User
Interface (GUI), the WEB server must be enabled.
Enable secure WEB server <Y or N>[N]: Y
Management Users
The system software installation process creates a default account
with the user name "admin" and a default password of "admin".
It is recommended that you change this password.
Change "admin" password <Y or N>[Y]: N
Additional CLI user accounts can be defined, each with its own user
name and password.
Add additional CLI users <Y or N>[Y]: N
The X80 System and Management has been configured. You may continue with the Interview or go directly to CLI to complete the X80 configuration according to your requirements.
Congratulations, you have finished the Interview.
To activate your interview settings, you MUST reload your system
using the following command at the prompt:
CrossBeam# reload all
Exiting the Interview...
%WARNING: Command takes effect next system reload
CrossBeam# reload all
This command may take a few minutes.
Any unsaved configuration will be lost.
Do you want to save it to startup-config? <Y or N>[Y]: Y
#Start Configuration Validation
# No vap-group configured
# No circuit configured
# No interface configured
#End Configuration Validation
Configuration appears to be incomplete.
Do you still want to save the current configuration? <Y or N>[Y]: Y |