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$NVDA明天需要关注的重要水平是 125.27 趋势线。

发表于 2024-10-7 13:09:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

$NVDA Big level to watch tomorrow is the 125.27 trendline.

Breaking/opening above 125.27 and 129.00 is in reach tomorrow.

A daily close above 125.27 signals 134.19 rising channel top, potentially by the end of the week.

明天需要关注的重要水平是 125.27 趋势线。
明天将突破/突破 125.27 和 129.00。
每日收盘价高于 125.27 表明上升通道顶部将达到 134.19,可能在本周末达到。

上午5:55 · 2024年10月7日

 楼主| 发表于 2024-10-7 13:16:14 | 显示全部楼层
This week:
$NVDA AI Summit - Monday
Fed FOMC Minutes - Wednesday
U.S. CPI Inflation - Thursday
Jobless Claims - Thursday
$TSLA Robotaxi Event - Thursday
$AMD AI Event - Thursday
$JPM earnings - Friday
U.S. PPI Inflation - Friday
U.S. Consumer Sentiment - Friday

翻译自 英语
$NVDA人工智能峰会 - 星期一
美联储 FOMC 会议纪要 - 周三
美国消费者物价指数通胀 - 周四
$TSLA Robotaxi 活动 - 星期四
$AMD AI 活动 - 星期四
$JPM收益 - 星期五
美国 PPI 通胀 - 周五
美国消费者信心指数 - 周五
 楼主| 发表于 2024-10-8 08:51:21 | 显示全部楼层
"we believe the data center operators are focused on TCO and ROI that are both functions of throughput which NVDA leads. As NVDA runs various applications including AI, the data center operators rely on NVDA to have the hardware to run multiple applications rather than buying accelerators that are limited in their use cases. "

- Citi on $NVDA with PT of $150

翻译自 英语
“我们认为数据中心运营商关注的是 TCO 和 ROI,这两者都是 NVDA 所引领的吞吐量函数。由于 NVDA 运行包括 AI 在内的各种应用程序,数据中心运营商依赖 NVDA 拥有运行多个应用程序的硬件,而不是购买在其用例中受到限制的加速器。”

- Citi on $NVDA ,PT 为 150 美元
 楼主| 发表于 2024-10-8 08:51:48 | 显示全部楼层
Citi on $NVDA - “ We believe AI adoption remains in 3rd/4th innings as enterprise AI demand takes off next with AI agents” Buy PT $150

We have been on the road marketing in Boston/Europe and summarize key investor topics on the stock. While we are bullish on another strong +40% Y/Y cloud data center capex growth next year, we expect the stock to likely remain range bound through CES Jan before Blackwell driven Y/Y sales and gross margin inflection in the Apr-Q. Fundamentally, we believe AI adoption remains in 3rd/4th innings as enterprise AI demand takes off next with AI agents. Maintain Buy and $150 TP. GM Trajectory: Shape of the gross margins in the near-term is a key investor topic. We model low 70’s or ~72% trough in the Jan-Q with LT gross margins to stabilize in the mid-70s% once Blackwell fully ramps. Custom ASIC vs. GPUs: At a high level, we believe the reason to choose one vs. the other has not changed in last few years. ASIC remains fixed functioned as it often runs one application. With AI applications evolving rapidly, model sizes growing, and more applications being AI enabled, GPU market will continue to grow. From a CSP perspective, running cloud AI on ASIC is not viable. From an enterprise standpoint, building applications on ASIC ties them to a specific cloud vendor which often enterprises do not want as they often take the multi-cloud approach. If an enterprise adopting a multi-cloud strategy picks a given cloud and runs its applications on an ASIC, it will have to re-write that application once they move to another cloud. With NVDA GPUs, enterprises write their applications once as it will be transferable across clouds. Moreover, NVDA’s large installed base is a strong pull for developers who aim to have the largest possible adoption of their applications. GPU Competition: While performance metrics are important, we believe the data center operators are focused on TCO and ROI that are both functions of throughput which NVDA leads. As NVDA runs various applications including AI, the data center operators rely on NVDA to have the hardware to run multiple applications rather than buying accelerators that are limited in their use cases. Vertical Integration: The slowdown of Moore’s Law forces scaling focus to systems from chips. NVDA’s products have evolved from chips, to cards to systems, and to finally racks. This approach allows the company to drive innovation as the individual pieces can be further optimized. Blackwell Sales Mix: We expect mix shift more towards GB200 format (rather than B100’s 8-GPU format) given its TCO and ROI benefits. ROI: While NVDA has emphasized ROI benefits that its products deliver for consumer internet companies in large markets such as social media, e-commerce and search, we believe investors need to be patient as Gen AI creates disruptive business models. We expect to see positive ROI data points next year led by GPU as a service providers.

翻译自 英语
花旗银行$NVDA - “我们认为,随着企业对人工智能的需求随着人工智能代理的出现而腾飞,人工智能的采用仍处于第三/第四阶段”买入 PT 150 美元

我们一直在波士顿/欧洲进行市场营销,并总结了投资者对该股的关键话题。虽然我们看好明年云数据中心资本支出同比再创 40% 的强劲增长,但我们预计该股可能在 1 月份 CES 期间保持区间波动,然后 Blackwell 会在 4 月份推动同比销售额和毛利率出现拐点。从根本上讲,我们认为人工智能的采用仍处于第三/第四阶段,因为企业对人工智能的需求将随着人工智能代理的出现而腾飞。维持买入和 150 美元的目标价。毛利率轨迹:短期内毛利率的形态是投资者的一个关键话题。我们预测 1 月份毛利率为 70% 出头或 ~72% 的低谷,一旦 Blackwell 完全发展,长期毛利率将稳定在 75% 左右。定制 ASIC 与 GPU:从高层次来看,我们认为选择其中一个而不是另一个的原因在过去几年中没有改变。ASIC 保持固定功能,因为它通常运行一个应用程序。随着人工智能应用的快速发展、模型规模的不断扩大以及越来越多的应用支持人工智能,GPU 市场将继续增长。从 CSP 的角度来看,在 ASIC 上运行云人工智能是不可行的。从企业的角度来看,在 ASIC 上构建应用程序会将它们绑定到特定的云供应商,而企业通常不想要这种情况,因为他们通常采用多云方法。如果采用多云策略的企业选择给定的云并在 ASIC 上运行其应用程序,则一旦迁移到另一个云,就必须重写该应用程序。借助 NVDA GPU,企业只需编写一次应用程序,即可跨云传输。此外,NVDA 庞大的安装基础对旨在最大限度地采用其应用程序的开发人员来说具有强大的吸引力。GPU 竞争:虽然性能指标很重要,但我们认为数据中心运营商专注于 TCO 和 ROI,这两者都是 NVDA 领先的吞吐量的函数。由于 NVDA 运行包括人工智能在内的各种应用程序,数据中心运营商依靠 NVDA 拥有运行多个应用程序的硬件,而不是购买使用案例有限的加速器。垂直整合:摩尔定律的放缓迫使人们将关注点从芯片转向系统。NVDA 的产品从芯片发展到卡、系统,最后发展到机架。这种方法使公司能够推动创新,因为各个部分可以得到进一步优化。Blackwell 销售组合:考虑到其 TCO 和 ROI 优势,我们预计组合将更多地转向 GB200 格式(而不是 B100 的 8-GPU 格式)。投资回报率:虽然 NVDA 强调其产品为社交媒体、电子商务和搜索等大型市场的消费者互联网公司带来的投资回报率优势,但我们认为投资者需要耐心等待,因为 Gen AI 创造了颠覆性的商业模式。我们预计明年将看到由 GPU 即服务提供商引领的正投资回报率数据点。
 楼主| 发表于 2024-10-9 09:34:20 | 显示全部楼层
$NVDA showed nice strength today, reinforcing our bullish outlook.

We’re still eyeing the 135.77 rising channel top as our next target. With today’s test of the 129.39 channel top, it’s on track to hit by the end of the week.

A daily settlement above the 135.77 channel top signals the mid 140's within 1-2 weeks 📈

翻译自 英语

我们仍将 135.77 上升通道顶部作为下一个目标。今天测试 129.39 通道顶部后,有望在本周结束前触及该点位。

每日结算价高于 135.77 通道顶部预示着 1-2 周内将达到 140 左右📈

$NVDA showed nice strength today, reinforcing our bullish outlook.
We’re still eyeing the 135.77 rising channel top as our next target. With today’s test of the 129.39 channel top, it’s on track to hit by the end of the week.
A daily settlement above the 135.77 channel top signals the mid 140's within 1-2 weeks

翻译自 英语

我们仍将 135.77 上升通道顶部作为下一个目标。今天测试 129.39 通道顶部后,有望在本周结束前触及该点位。

每日结算价高于 135.77 通道顶部预示着 1-2 周内将达到 140 左右

 楼主| 发表于 2024-10-9 09:48:10 | 显示全部楼层
NVIDIA and Foxconn are building Taiwan's largest supercomputer, the Hon Hai Kaohsiung Super Computing Center, based on NVIDIA's Blackwell architecture.

- The supercomputer will feature 4,608 Tensor Core GPUs and over 90 exaflops of AI performance, making it the fastest supercomputer in Taiwan.

-  It will support cancer research, large language models, smart cities, digital twins, and robotic automation, aligning with Foxconn's strategy for smart manufacturing, cities, and electric vehicles.

- Phase one of the supercomputer will be operational by mid-2025, with full deployment expected by 2026.

- The project will integrate with NVIDIA’s Omniverse and Isaac platforms to enhance AI capabilities in manufacturing and urban infrastructure projects.

翻译自 英语
NVIDIA 和富士康正在基于 NVIDIA 的 Blackwell 架构建设台湾最大的超级计算机——鸿海高雄超级计算中心。

- 该超级计算机将配备 4,608 个 Tensor Core GPU 和超过 90 百亿亿次浮点运算的 AI 性能,成为台湾最快的超级计算机。

- 它将支持癌症研究、大型语言模型、智慧城市、数字孪生和机器人自动化,与富士康的智能制造、城市和电动汽车战略保持一致。

- 超级计算机第一阶段将于 2025 年中期投入运营,预计 2026 年全面部署。

- 该项目将与 NVIDIA 的 Omniverse 和 Isaac 平台整合,以增强制造业和城市基础设施项目中的 AI 能力。
 楼主| 发表于 2024-10-9 09:49:21 | 显示全部楼层
$NVDA The market is finally waking up to the fact that Blackwell orders are coming in the 100Ks compared to the Hopper in the 10Ks.

Here are 5 data points that came out over the past few days that confirm our thesis:  

1. Foxconn CEO said that demand for Blackwell is "Crazy" - adding a new facility in Mexico to satisfy Blackwell orders

2. $SMCI said it is shipping over 100K GPUs per quarter (didn't cite Blackwell, but not much else out there)

3. $MSFT is announced that Azure is the first cloud service to run the Blackwell system GB200

4. $TSM is moving to production with computational lithography "cuLitho" to push to accelerate manufacturing and push the limits on physics.

5. $NVDA 's CEO, Jensen Huang, stated that production is on-track and demand for Blackwell is insane.

Download the full slides from our webinar here: https://learn.spear-invest.com/ai-data-center-webinar-0

翻译自 英语
$NVDA市场终于意识到,Blackwell 的订单量是 100K,而 Hopper 的订单量只有 10K。

以下是过去几天发布的 5 个数据点,证实了我们的论点:

1. 富士康首席执行官称对 Blackwell 的需求“疯狂” - 在墨西哥增设新工厂以满足 Blackwell 订单

2. $SMCI称其每季度的 GPU 出货量超过 10 万块(没有提到 Blackwell,但其他的也没什么用)

3. $MSFT宣布 Azure 是第一个运行 Blackwell 系统 GB200 的云服务

4. $TSM正在利用计算光刻技术“cuLitho”投入生产,以加速制造过程并突破物理极限。

5. $NVDA首席执行官 Jensen Huang 表示,生产正在按计划进行,对 Blackwell 的需求非常大。

 楼主| 发表于 2024-10-9 09:58:33 | 显示全部楼层
Everybody wants to be first, everybody wants to have the most.

Jensen on Blackwell insane demand. $NVDA

And here we go, everyone is proud of being the first to get Blackwell.

翻译自 英语

詹森 (Jensen) 对布莱克威尔 (Blackwell) 的疯狂要求。 $NVDA


Everybody wants to be first, everybody wants to have the most.Jensen on Blackwell insane demand. $NVDA
And here we go, everyone is proud of being the first to get Blackwell.

詹森 (Jensen) 对布莱克威尔 (Blackwell) 的疯狂要求。 [url=https://x.com/search?q=%24NVDA&src=cashtag_click]$NVDA




tae kim



When the top companies are clamoring to tweet about getting access to your latest GPU products, it's a good sign.

上午4:55 · 2024年10月9日





 楼主| 发表于 2024-10-9 10:07:15 | 显示全部楼层
network 发表于 2024-10-9 09:58
Everybody wants to be first, everybody wants to have the most.

Jensen on Blackwell insane demand. ...

My portfolio has just hit an all-time high (ATH) on closing market prices, even though NVDA is still lower than its ATH.This happened because I bought more NVDL during the recent selloff. It's been increasing eightfold since the beginning of 2023, and I have done very few trades compared to others. I've been sharing my investment journey with AI investing community since early 2024 and am so thankful to have many friends on the journey.

Congratulations to all $NVDA shareholders, especially those in my investing community who have highly concentrated in the stock over the past six months!

我的投资组合刚刚在收盘价上创下了历史新高 (ATH),尽管 NVDA 仍低于其 ATH。
之所以发生这种情况,是因为我在最近的抛售中购买了更多 NVDL。自 2023 年初以来,它已经增长了八倍,与其他人相比,我进行的交易很少。自 2024 年初以来,我一直在与 AI 投资界分享我的投资历程,非常感谢在这段旅程中结识了许多朋友。



上午10:00 · 2024年10月9日

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