



楼主: network


 楼主| 发表于 2023-10-30 10:58:40 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2023-10-30 10:59:04 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2023-11-21 18:21:28 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2023-11-21 18:21:45 | 显示全部楼层




 楼主| 发表于 2023-11-21 18:23:53 | 显示全部楼层
非常感谢大公鸡报晓杨东老师给予这个平台,有幸认识霍老师是我的缘分,这次儿子突发疾病,是霍老师及时申出援手,米艳兵老师不远千里连夜赶来,挽救了我的儿子。                 事情的经过是这样的,10月23号星期一一切正常,还上班,晚上十点多身体有点不舒服,发烧38度多,以为是一般的感冒,第二天(24号)在家睡了一天,晚上11点多人就进入迷糊状态,手指症状像中风一样,但没有高烧,当时第一反应是不是中风了?然后又考虑会不会脑炎?因为十天之前摔断了门牙,那个地方是危险三角地带,炎症很容易上脑形成脑炎。从发病到迷糊才24小时,病情发展也太快了,马上送当地医院急诊科,第二天(25号)转入神经内科住院,还没办理住院手续时,科室主任私底下说:最好转上级医院治疗好点,马上联系中山大学附属第一医院,按排救护车送广州就医,同时联系霍老师说明病情,霍老师立即安排天兵天将米老师,25号下半夜,也就是26号零晨二点多降临广州,立马开始按揉施救,半个小时后人开始有反应,先是打嗝,大约是十几分钟打嗝一次,偶尔会放个屁,当时七上八下的心总算有所放下。之后打嗝越来越密,到清晨5 ~6:00点的时候1分钟打嗝两次(看下视频),看眼神人开始清醒,还会叫我,下午又揉了一次,感觉好很多,但还是思睡,之后一天一个样,到第三天28号下午人可以下床走走,回到病房能坐在凳子上看手机也没问题了。现在人完全康复了,在这非常感谢杨东老师、霍纯桥老师和米艳兵老师,感恩您们!祝好人一生平安!预后总结:这次得急病,经过骨髓穿刺检查,是病毒性脑炎,感冒引起的,来的十分凶狠,希望大家要多加注意,感冒也会引起心肌炎、脑炎、肾炎等等等等。
 楼主| 发表于 2023-11-21 18:24:14 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2023-11-23 13:24:21 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2023-12-17 12:02:07 | 显示全部楼层


Chinese Medicine, where is your magic, why can't all the people who ask for your help be satisfied?

I am a national second-grade massage therapist, using massage methods in the ambulance to do many times of pre-hospital first aid, the effect is so good that almost all of the patients' families will be stunned, because all want to transfer to a higher hospital, are more dangerous patients, are the departure hospital headache patients, are also the two hospitals attach importance to highly nervous patients, in the process of receiving and transferring, Two levels of hospital doctors urged phone calls, emergency and other critically ill patients, many are reduced in the ambulance grade, the emergency medical staff to see patients all think that the previous hospital bluff, intentionally exaggerate the patient's condition. One, two, three, experienced more, at the beginning, I also advised patients to go to the big hospital not to disclose that I gave the patient a massage in the middle, but also afraid that my pick-up business would be affected, but when the patient saw the attending doctor, he had already put my advice behind him, if you want to know, unless you do not do it, a long time, the ambulance business is more and more affected, many doctors secretly told me, You will only pick up the service in the future, do not participate in the toss with your method, the director told us not to use your car, your participation makes us very passive. I can only nod in agreement. Next, my business suffered a serious loss, and the business of receiving critical patients referral to various counties and cities was no longer available, and I could only send patients who gave up treatment to hospitals at home. I am on standby 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. No matter what time it is in the middle of the night, I will not personally escort dying patients when I hear that they are transferred to psychiatric or neurosurgical patients who died after surgery, because the damage of surgery cannot be imagined and evaluated. I am willing to try all the remaining departments that give up. In particular, patients who maintain a weak heartbeat on the intubation ventilator are most interested, and the effect is the most exciting.

I have tried many times to contact the media to promote, but the answer is that TV stations, newspapers do not have this column.

On October 25, 2020, there was an interview with Yang Dong, a reporter from the media, on March 22, 2021, the big Rooster announced my article, in just two days, my reported articles were read more than 20,000 +, half a month later, 40,000 +, until the big rooster was complained to the 80,000 + before the name, and then look at other teachers in the same industry, the total reading amount is 10,000. The gap is too big, because folk Chinese medicine can cooperate with hospitals to pick up critically ill patients for eight years, and there is no second person rescuing people in ambulances.

Through years of research, patients are the most helpless when they are sick, there is no ability to distinguish right from wrong, the choice of medical treatment is the family's business, the family has a university graduation, good economic conditions of the first choice is the larger the hospital the better, but let you on the way to the patient fully recover, but also get a hospital stay for a few days to let the hospital to affirm. We stand behind the hospital experts every day looking at the doctor with the patient's family account of the condition, all the communication is nothing more than, I can not cure the disease, everything is your family's responsibility, there are deteriorating, dead and other words, although we look particularly ridiculous, but standing in the hospital point of view, also feel quite reasonable.

After the big rooster report, the fun came, the experience came, the peer learned something came, the terminal cancer came, a busy time, most of them experience a few days to go, can adhere to ten days, twenty days are a few, but there is one point, the patient returned home dissatisfied almost no, there are and individual dissatisfied are also to other peers there to stir up. Some patients have no opinion at all, as if meeting a little obedient can really cure his disease. The biggest difference between civil doctors and hospital experts is the difference in the communication mode and language structure to avoid disputes and reduce trouble, and the problem of jealousy among individual civil doctors, which is impossible to happen in Western medicine, but it is common in the folk Chinese medicine group. Hospital treatment, the average patient must be discharged home half a month, even if you come back every few days, are hoping not to come back next time, it is best to change the hospital. Because there are too many patients who cannot be treated and who are getting more and more serious, there are too many patients whose "condition cannot be controlled." Who will discuss these issues? Who will summarize? What about the big rooster who promotes folk Chinese medicine?

Scientific medical treatment, rational medical treatment has become the most difficult choice for patients to make, the patient's rational, aware of this time confused, late cancer to take some painkillers think you can cure the disease, congenital difficult disease to some hormones think you can cure, this is how terrible?

Just so, the network unconsciously emerged a "mutual help disease friends", it is specialized in the use of these unknown truth and no ability to distinguish between right and wrong patients' families, who have experienced folk Chinese medicine treatment are all accepted according to the single, you spend a million dollars in the hospital it does not mention, as long as the hands of folk Chinese medicine to spend a penny also have to say that folk Chinese medicine is a liar, At first, few people understand the details of it, over time, many careful readers found that it published the address of the article more and more strange, while the United States, Japan, Taiwan, Hebei, Guangdong, found that they are mainly for the Chinese medicine group has begun to take shape big rooster dawn, who can capture the information is particularly interested, Can contact the patient's family repeatedly to information, you want to cure the disease immediately kick, you want to say that the effect is not good, it will find you every day, only care about spending money? How much money was spent, and then released before who who found the rooster reported that someone did not cure the disease, how much money was spent, why not report who who spent how much money in the hospital died, people and property were empty?

The author believes that they may be an international black organization hired by Western medicine, which is specifically to fight against Chinese Chinese medicine, to fight for the Chinese market that is about to wake up for Western medicine, so that Chinese people completely eliminate the traditional Chinese medicine culture left over from thousands of years of old ancestors, the use of traditional Chinese medicine research difficulties, illegal practice of medicine to drill the legal loopholes, anyway, you have no certificate, you do not dare to refute, I will use the confused patients to complain about you, seize your weakness, and howl for Western medicine capital every day, hoping that the poor patients will not be confused, only believe in Chinese medicine, support Chinese medicine, our human hope, because western medicine and Chinese medicine are not on the same track, with Western medicine's vision will never understand the full picture of Chinese medicine, Western treatment of bacteria and viruses, in the eyes of Chinese medicine, There's no ventilation, whether it's spontaneous or external infection, it's the same. It is only a matter of time, the fastest and most thorough or traditional Chinese medicine, to be patient, some trauma emergencies to the hospital can also be treated, but the most common sentence in the hospital "you come a few minutes later, you will die" also needs to be careful and rational treatment, what problems are not absolutely correct, but the first to go to the hospital is right, the hospital is critically ill and then find civil doctors, What a good double insurance!

In short, I hope you usually do more exercise, health, do not get sick, less sick, save health, equal to save wealth. However, for the anti-Chinese medicine, the destruction of Chinese medicine, black Chinese medicine such as the survival of the national culture of major issues, we can not be confused, their difficulties are only temporary, a lot of things insist on the past, but in cooperation with foreign agents to destroy Chinese medicine can not be confused, do not easily be used, you said it can give you compensation? Can he treat you? Everyone knows that some problems can never be solved.

Huo Chun Bridge December 17, 2023

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