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Check Point 发布了基于全新软件Blade架构的最新安全网关和管理产品R70-中文全球首发

发表于 2009-2-27 22:26:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Check Point 发布了基于新软件Blade架构的最新安全网关和管理产品
Check Point R70提出了综合的网络安全方案,使用新的IPS软件blade用于完全的入侵防御方案。

Check Point 软件技术股份有限公司(CHKP),互联网安全的世界级领导厂商,今天发布了Check Point R70®,这是她的安全网关和管理解决方案的最新版本。Check Point R70基于最近发布的软件Blade架构,该架构将弹性,简易性,和可扩展性提到一个新的水平,从而彻底变革了安全理念。Check Point R70使各类企业机构能够调整他们的网络安全基础架构以满足他们苛刻的需求,并提供了集中管理、简单部署和完全扩展的能力。
作为R70的一部分,Check Point也改变了入侵预防系统(IPS),引进了新的IPS软件blade。这个新的IPS软件blade提供了工业上最综合的保护,其新的动态IPS管理能力和mult-gigabit性能是当今IPS系统所无法比拟的。R70的灵活性允许客户在R70网关上部署Check Point全新的IPS技术。
Check Point的产品副总裁Dr. Dorit Dor说,“Check Point R70 为客户带来了全新的网络安全部署特性,其中之一就是灵活性和扩展性”,“使用这个新的版本,客户能从新的软件blade架构中获得灵活性的好处。另外,R70 集成的入侵预防blade允许客户在安全网关上部署高优先级的和准确无误的保护,提供了细粒度,无可比拟的威胁控制和最高水平的性能。”
基于Check Point全新的软件blade架构,Check Point R70提供了企业的安全灵活性。这个软件blade架构授权企业用户按照他们的需求选择确切安全应用软件或“软件blades”,比如防火墙,虚拟私有网络(VPN),IPS,防病毒,等等,超过20个软件blades的合集。在不需要部署新的硬件情况下,新的软件blades能够被添加,减少了部署的次数和操作的成本。而且,这个全新的架构允许客户通过为特定的软件blades分配资源以保证其所需要的性能。
Check Point R70新的IPS软件blade使用多级入侵防御引擎,提供了至高无上的威胁控制,为集成了IPS的防火墙提供超过10Gbps总体系统性能。IPS软件blade提供了完全的威胁覆盖,包括客户端、服务器和OS弱点攻击,恶意软件和蠕虫传播等等。Check Point R70性能的提高意味着用户通过在每一台网关上部署IPS软件blade获取了独一无二的优先抵御所有攻击的能力。
Check Point R70为客户提供了两种安全管理bladesIPS事件分析和网关的供应。IPS事件分析blade提供了聚焦关键事件和功能的能力,允许客户以图形化的方式实时、快速的浏览高价值的事件数据。这些数据是从详细到为法庭举证水平的事件数据中提取出来。新的供应软件blade提供了在一个单一管理控制台上集中管理和激活Check Point安全设备的能力。Check Point R70独一无二的统一管理架构允许管理员通过一个单一的接口进行管理,设置策略和在整个安全基础架构上应用保护策略。
“随着世界上巨大的Check Point设备管理的部署,VeriSign管理安全服务机构相信Check PointR70版本使我们的客户更好的了解在整个系统上利用每一个新的保护机制产生的影响”VeriSign的安全工程师Marco Garcia说,“在者,在Check Point IPS技术中的新功能在前一版本上做了重大改进,允许VeriSign能迅速有效的面对安全事件”
Check Point R70的特性和优点包括:
l 扩展的软件blade架构允许您快速的在已经存在的安全方案尚增加安全功能,减少部署的成本,从而增加安全投入的效果
l 新的IPS软件blade提供完全的威胁覆盖,包括了客户端,服务器和OS弱点攻击,恶意软件/蠕虫的传播,在当今已存在的硬件配置上,集成了IPS的防火墙提供了超过10Gbps的总体系统性能。
l 新的IPS事件分析软件blade包括了在线浏览,多维排序和信息索引,允许客户实时,快速的集中在从法庭取证级数据中提取出来的关键数据上。
l 供应管理软件blade为快速部署提供了在单一管理控制台上集中管理和供应Check Point安全设备的能力。
更多关于Check Point R70的信息在可以在以下网站上找到:
在相关的发行版本中,Check Point也发布了他的软件blade架构,工业上的第一个架构以适应企业需求,满足了全面,灵活和管理安全。更多的关于软件blade的信息在下面的网站上。
Check Point R70代表了下一波互联网安全软件,以无以伦比的威胁控制和性能为企业提供了模块化的安全网关和管理解决方案”Dor的结论。

Check Point Software Blade Architecture

Check Point Software Blade ArchitectureThe industry's first flexible, extensible security architecture
Revolutionizing IT securityCheck Point is no stranger to IT security revolutions.  In the last 15 years, we created the stateful inspection technology that is still to date the foundation for the most robust firewall in the industry.  We transformed security management with our single console SmartCenter, we unified security gateways and introduced the first and only single agent for Endpoint security.  More recently, we delivered Total Security that offers uncompromised security, reduces complexity and improves overall efficiency.
In 2009, Check Point innovation continues with the introduction of the Software Blade Architecture.

Check Point Software Blade ArchitectureThe Check Point Software Blade architecture is the first and only security architecture that delivers total, flexible and manageable security solutions to companies of all sizes.
The Software Blade architecture provides customers with the ability to custom configure security solutions to meet their specific needs.
Security environments of large, medium and small companies are becoming more complex as companies try to keep up with new threat protections.  With each protection comes a new security solution, a new hardware platform, a new management console, and a new set of daily events to monitor.  Check Point's Software Blade architecture brings flexibility and further simplicity to customers by allowing them to select security applications that meet their needs and tailor them into a modular security solution that is managed centrally.  It enables lower cost of ownership with the ability to extend an existing security infrastructure with additional software blades without the need to procure new hardware.  
In brief it delivers the right level of protection at the right level of investment.

What is a software blade?A software blade is a security building block that is independent, modular and centrally managed. Software Blades are not physical but logical blades that you can select and custom configure into a solution based on your specific needs today. As these needs evolve you can extend your security solution by adding and activating new blades on the same infrastructure.

Check Point Security gateway R70
Key Benefits of the Check Point Software Blade Architecture
  • Flexibility – Provides the right level of protection at the right level of investment
  • Manageability – Enables fast deployment of security functions and increased productivity through central management of software blades
  • Total Security – Provides the right level of security, at all enforcement points, and at all layers of the network
  • Lower TCO - Protects investment by enabling consolidation and leveraging existing infrastructure
  • Guaranteed performance – Enables performance setting per blade to ensure guaranteed performance
How are Check Point Software Blades deployed?Software blades can be deployed on any Check Point UTM-1 or Power-1 appliances.  The new architecture can also run on any open servers of your choice and can be deployed in a virtualized environment.
New blades can be added to your gateway of choice by just enabling their functionality, without requiring upgrading hardware, firmware or drivers. The Check Point Software Blade architecture enables organizations to deploy security dynamically, as needed, with lower total cost of ownership.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-27 22:31:16 | 显示全部楼层
Check Point Introduces Latest Security Gateway and Management Release Based on New Software Blade Architecture

2009-02-24 02:00 EST - News Release Check Point R70 delivers comprehensive network security with new IPS Software Blade for complete intrusion prevention

Company Website: http://www.checkpoint.com
REDWOOD CITY, Calif. -- (Business Wire)
Check Point® Software Technologies Ltd. (Nasdaq:CHKP), the worldwide leader in securing the Internet, today announced Check Point R70®, a major new version of its security gateway and management solutions. Check Point R70 is based on the newly announced Software Blade architecture that revolutionizes security by providing new levels of flexibility, simplicity and extensibility. Check Point R70 enables business of all sizes to tailor their network security infrastructure to meet their exact functional and performance needs with centralized management, simple deployment and full extensibility.
As part of R70, Check Point is also transforming the intrusion prevention (IPS) space by introducing a new IPS software blade. The new IPS software blade delivers the industry’s most comprehensive protection, new dynamic IPS management capabilities and multi-gigabit performance unmatched by today’s IPS systems. The flexibility of R70 allows customers to deploy Check Point’s new IPS technologies on any R70 gateway.
“Check Point R70 brings to customers a new approach to deploying network security, one that is flexible and extensible,” said Dr. Dorit Dor, vice president of products at Check Point. “With this new release, customers can benefit from the flexibility of the new software blade architecture. In addition, R70’s ground breaking intrusion prevention blade allows customers to deploy preemptive and accurate protections to security gateways with deep granularity, unparalleled threat control and the highest levels of performance.”
Comprehensive, Modular Security
Based on Check Point’s new Software Blade architecture, Check Point R70 provides businesses with flexible security. The Software Blade architecture empowers businesses with the ability to select the exact security applications or “software blades” they need, such as firewall, virtual private network (VPN), IPS, anti-virus, etc. from a library of over 20 software blades. New software blades can be added without deploying new hardware, reducing deployment times and operational costs. Furthermore, the new architecture will allow customers to guarantee performance by allocating resources to specific software blades.
Best threat coverage at highest performance
Check Point R70’s new IPS software blade uses a multi-tier intrusion prevention engine to provide unrivaled threat control and up to 10 Gbps total system performance of firewall with integrated IPS. The IPS software blade offers complete threat coverage for client, server and OS vulnerabilities, malware and worm infections, etc. The increased performance of Check Point R70 means businesses have a unique alternative to preemptively protect themselves against all threats by deploying the IPS software blade on every gateway.
Best Management
Check Point R70 offers customers two new security management blades for IPS event analysis and provisioning of gateways. The IPS event analysis blade provides the ability to focus on critical events and functions, allowing customers to graphically view high volumes of event data in real-time and quickly drill down from a business view of events to a forensic level of details. The new provisioning software blade provides centralized administration and activation of Check Point security devices via a single management console. The unique unified management architecture of Check Point R70 allows administrators to manage, set policy and apply protections across the entire security infrastructure from a single interface.
“With the largest deployment of managed Check Point devices in the world, VeriSign Managed Security Services believes the Check Point R70 release allows our customers to be better informed on the impact each new protection will have on the overall system utilization,” said Marco Garcia, security engineer at VeriSign. “This, together with new functionalities in Check Point's IPS technology represents significant improvement over previous releases, allowing VeriSign to react more quickly and efficiently to true security events.”
Check Point R70 features and benefits include:
  • Extensible Software Blade architecture allows for quick additions of security functionality to existing security solution, reducing deployment costs while increasing security effectiveness
  • New IPS software blade provides complete threat coverage for client, server and OS vulnerabilities, malware/worm infections, and more and enables up to 10 Gbps total system performance of Firewall with integrated IPS on today’s existing hardware configurations
  • New IPS event analysis software blade includes Timeline View, Multi-dimensional sorting and confidence indexing to allow customers to focus on critical data in real-time and to quickly drill down from business view to forensics level
  • Provisioning management software blade provides centralized administration and provisioning of Check Point security devices via a single management console for fast deployment
Additional information on Check Point R70 can be found at: [url=http://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.checkpoint.com%2Fproducts%2Fsoftwareblades%2Fintrusion-prevention-system.html&esheet=5902969&lan=en_US&anchor=www.checkpoint.com%2Fproducts%2Fsoftwareblades%2Fintrusion-prevention-system.html&index=1]www.checkpoint.com/products/softwareblades/intrusion-prevention-system.html[/url].
In a related release, Check Point also announced its Software Blade architecture, the industry’s first architecture to meet businesses’ need for total, flexible and manageable security. Additional information on the Software Blade architecture can be found at: [url=http://cts.businesswire.com/ct/CT?id=smartlink&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.checkpoint.com%2Fproducts%2Fsoftwareblades%2Farchitecture%2Findex.html&esheet=5902969&lan=en_US&anchor=www.checkpoint.com%2Fproducts%2Fsoftwareblades%2Farchitecture%2Findex.html&index=2]www.checkpoint.com/products/softwareblades/architecture/index.html[/url].
“Check Point R70 represents the next wave in Internet security, providing businesses with a modular security gateway and management solution with unparalleled threat control and performance,” concluded Dor.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-27 22:59:20 | 显示全部楼层
Complementary Products

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Firewall Blade- World's most proven firewall solution that can examine hundreds of applications, protocols and services out-of-the box
VPN Blade- Secure Connectivity for offices and en users via sophisticated but easy to manage Site-to-Site VPN and flexible remote access
IPS Blade- The highest performing integrated IPS solution with the industry's best threat coverage.
Web Security Blade - Advanced protection for the entire Web environment featuring the strongest protection against buffer-overflow attacks.
URL Filtering Blade- Best-of-breed Web filtering covering more than 20 million URLs protects users and enterprises by restricting access to dangerous Web sites.
Antivirus & Anti-Malware Blade- Leading antivirus protection including heuristic virus analysis stops viruses, worms and other malware at the gateway
Anti-Spam & Email Security Blade- Multi-dimensional protection for the messaging infrastructure stops spam, protects servers and eliminates attacks through email.
Advanced Networking Blade- Adds dynamic routing, multicast support and Quality of Service (QOS) to security gateways.
Acceleration & Clustering Blade - - Patented SecureXL and ClusterXL technologies provide wire speed packet inspection, high availability and load sharing.
Advanced Networking Blade- Adds dynamic routing, multicast support and Quality of Service (QOS) to security gateways.
Voice over IP Blade- More than 60 VoIP application defenses and advanced QoS methods protect the VoIP infrastructure from attacks such as denial of service while delivering high voice quality.
Total Security Package - IPS, URL Filtering, Antivirus & Anti-Malware and Anti-Spam and Email Security blades.
Network Policy Management Blade - Comprehensive network security policy management for Check Point gateways and blades via SmartDashboard, a single, unified console.
Endpoint Policy Management Blade - Centrally deploy, manage, monitor and enforce security policy for all endpoint devices across any sized organization.
Logging & Status- Comprehensive information in the form of logs and a complete visual picture of changes to gateways, tunnels, remove users and security activities.
Monitoring - A complete view of network and security performance, enabling fast response to changes in traffic patterns and security events.
Management Portal- Extends a browser-based view of security policies to outside groups such as support staff while maintaining central policy control.
User Directory - Enables Check Point gateways to leverage LDAP-based user information stores, eliminating the risks associated with manually maintaining and synchronizing redundant data stores.
IPS Event Analysis - Complete IPS event management system providing situational visibility, easy to use forensic tools, and reporting.
Reporting - Turns vast amounts of security and network data into graphical, easy-to-understand reports.
Event Correlation - Centralized, real-time security event correlation and management for Check Point and third-party devices.
Customer Log Module Add-on- Customer Log Module Enables real-time log accumulation, tracking and management on a dedicated log server for Security Gateways.
Security Management Container Expansion- Security Management Container Expansion increases the number of managed gateways in a given container. There is no change to the installed blades
发表于 2009-2-28 12:12:31 | 显示全部楼层

 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-28 18:06:09 | 显示全部楼层

[ 本帖最后由 liuxingyuan 于 2009-2-28 18:11 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-28 18:08:25 | 显示全部楼层
Check Point Software Blade Architecture
Check Point软件刀片架构)

The industry's first flexible, extensible security architecture

Revolutionizing IT security(彻底变革IT安全)
Check Point is no stranger to IT security revolutions. In the last 15 years, we created the stateful inspection technology that is still to date the foundation for the most robust firewall in the industry. We transformed security management with our single console SmartCenter, We unified security gateways and introduced the first and only single agent for Endpoint security. More recently, we delivered Total Security that offers uncompromised security, reduces complexity and improves overall efficiency.
Check Point熟悉IT安全变革。在过去的15年,我们创建了状态化检测技术(仍旧是业界最健壮的防火墙数据功能)我们使用我们单一的控制台SmartCenter改变了安全管理,我们统一了安全网关,并为端点安全引进了第一个单一代理功能。最近,我们发布了统一安全提供了卓越的安全性,减少了复杂性和提高了整体效果。
In 2009, Check Point innovation continues with the introduction of the Software Blade Architecture.
2009年,Check Point持续革新,并引入了软件刀片架构。

Check Point Software Blade Architecture Check Point 软件刀片架构)
The Check Point Software Blade architecture is the first and only security architecture that delivers total, flexible and manageable security solutions to companies of all sizes.
Check Point软件刀片架构是第一个和仅有的安全架构,提供了统一的,灵活的和可管理的安全解决方案,适用于各种规模的企业。
The Software Blade architecture provides customers with the ability to custom configure security solutions to meet their specific needs.
Security environments of large, medium and small companies are becoming more complex as companies try to keep up with new threat protections. With each protection comes a new security solution, a new hardware platform, a new management console, and a new set of daily events to monitor.
Check Point's Software Blade architecture brings flexibility and further simplicity to customers by allowing them to select security applications that meet their needs and tailor them into a modular security solution that is managed centrally.
It enables lower cost of ownership with the ability to extend an existing security infrastructure with additional software blades without the need to procure new hardware.
大型、中型和小型企业的安全环境变得日益复杂,当他们试图跟上新的威胁保护的时候。随着每一种防护的采用,带来了一个新的安全方案,新的硬件平台,新的管理控制台,和新的日常事件监视。Check Point软件刀片架构带来了灵活性和更加简单的操作,客户允许选择他们需要的安全应用程序并且调整它们到一个模块化的安全解决方案中,那里可以被集中的管理。它的总体拥有成本低,在已经存在的安全基础架构增加软件刀片,并不需要增加新的硬件。
In brief it delivers the right level of protection at the right level of investment.
What is a software blade? (什么是一个软件刀片?)
A software blade is a security building block that is independent, modular and centrally managed. Software Blades are not physical but logical blades that you can select and custom configure into a solution based on your specific needs today. As these needs evolve you can extend your security solution by adding and activating new blades on the same infrastructure.

Check Point 安全网关R70

Key Benefits of the Check Point Software Blade Architecture
Check Point 软件刀片架构的主要优点:
Flexibility – Provides the right level of protection at the right level of investment灵活性—提供了在恰当的投资水平上获得恰当水平的防护)
Manageability – Enables fast deployment of security functions and increased productivity through central management of software blades易于管理性—通过集中管理的软件刀片快速部署安全功能和提高生产力)
Total Security – Provides the right level of security, at all enforcement points, and at all layers of the network全面安全—在网络的所有层面,在所有强制点上提供了恰当的安全水平)
Lower TCO - Protects investment by enabling consolidation and leveraging existing infrastructureTCO—保护投资,巩固和充分利用现有的基础架构)
Guaranteed performance – Enables performance setting per blade to ensure guaranteed performance保证性能—每刀片的性能参数设置确保了性能的保证)
How are Check Point Software Blades deployed? Check Point软件刀片怎样部署?)
Software blades can be deployed on any Check Point UTM-1 or Power-1 appliances. The new architecture can also run on any open servers of your choice and can be deployed in a virtualized environment.
软件刀片能部署在任何Check Point UTM-1Power-1设备上,全新的架构也能运行在任何您选择的开放服务器上和能部署在一个虚拟的环境中。
New blades can be added to your gateway of choice by just enabling their functionality, without requiring upgrading hardware, firmware or drivers. The Check Point Software Blade architecture enables organizations to deploy security dynamically, as needed, with lower total cost of ownership.
新的刀片可以被加在你的网关上,启用它们的功能,不需要升级硬件,固件或驱动程序。Check Point软件刀片架构使组织动态的,按需的,最低拥有成本的方式部署安全,

[ 本帖最后由 liuxingyuan 于 2009-2-28 18:19 编辑 ]
发表于 2009-2-28 19:32:27 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-2-28 19:59:14 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-28 21:36:45 | 显示全部楼层
Getting Started (使用入门)
Building a fully tailored security solution (构建一个完全定制的安全解决方案)
Example: How to configure a security gateway (示例:怎样配制一个安全的网关)

Software blades enable you to build fully customized gateways or quickly choose from a set of predefined systems.
Tailoring a gateway to your specific needs (根据您的特殊需要裁剪一个网关)
Whether designing your security solution for corporate headquarters, a data center or a branch office, customizing your system takes just three easy steps:
² Step 1: Choose a software blade container (步骤1:选择一个软件刀片容器)
² Step 2: Select the software blades based on the security functionality needed(步骤2:基于安全功能需要选择软件刀片)
² Step 3: Configure your system(步骤3:配置你的系统)
Choosing a predefined system (选择一个预定义的系统)
To further simplify the selection of software blades, Check Point also offers 9 predefined systems composed of a software blade container and specific sets of software blades aimed at specific security objectives.
为进一步简化软件刀片的选择,Check Point也提供了9种预定义的系统,组合了一个软件刀片容器和特定的软件刀片,满足特定安全目标

[ 本帖最后由 liuxingyuan 于 2009-2-28 21:38 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-28 21:40:03 | 显示全部楼层
Software Blade Containers(软件刀片容器)
Software Blade containers are the common platform that contains all the necessary services to run the software blade environment. Every security gateway container comes pre-populated with a Check Point Firewall blade, based on award-winning and patented FireWall-1® technology.
软件刀片平台是公有的平台,包含了运行软件刀片需要必要服务的环境。每一个安全网关容器组合了一个预先组合的Check Point 防火墙刀片,基于屡获殊荣的FireWall-1技术。
To meet the requirements and needs of all sized companies, we offer 4 security gateway containers and 3 security management containers
Security Gateway Containers (安全网关容器)
² SG101, a 1-core system ideal for the small office SG101,一个1核心系统,小型办公环境的理想选择)
² SG201, a 2-core system that is a cost-effective security platform for mid-size companies and offices SG201,一个2核心系统,经济的安全平台,用于中型企业的办公环境)
² SG401, a 4-core system for offices of any size requiring high performance SG401,一个4核心的系统,用于要求高性能的任何规模的办公环境)
² SG801, optimized for 8 cores is designed for the most demanding highest performance environments SG801,优化的8核心,为最高性能的环境设计)
Security Management Containers (安全管理容器)
² SM1000, an ideal entry-level central security management solution for small companies, managing up to 10 gateways SM1000,一个理想的入门级集中安全管理解决方案,用于小型企业,可管理多达10个网关)
² SM2500, a cost-effective security management solution with advanced capabilities for mid-sized companies and offices, for up to 25 gateways SM2500,一个经济的安全管理解决方案,具有高级能力,适用于中型企业和办公环境,不多于25个网关)
² SMU000, a total central security management solution for large enterprises with an unlimited number of gatewaysSMU000,一个完全的中心安全管理方案,适用于大型企业,没有网关数量的限制)
Key features of Software Blade Containers (软件刀片容器的主要特性)
² CoreXL, a patented-pending technology enabling near-linear scalability of multi-core systems (included in all container but SG101) CoreXL,使用了一种技术(正在申请专利)使多核系统的发挥近似线性能力。包括除SG101以外的所有容器)
² A software blades update mechanism to ensure blades are always current with the latest software(一个软件刀片升级机制,确保刀片总是当前最新的软件)
² Software blades license management to facilitate blade activation and migration(软件刀片授权管理便利了刀片的激活和迁移)
² SecurePlatform, a pre-hardened operating system that helps ease deployment of security software solution on open servers anywhere in the networkSecurePlatform,一个预加固的操作系统,可以在网络的任何地方容易的部署开放服务器上的安全软件方案)
² A Web-based admin GUI for the SecurePlatform operating environment(一为SecurePlatform操作环境提供了个基于Web的管理GUI。)
² Utilities for backup, restore and upgrading of the operating environment(操作环境下的备份、恢复和升级工具)

[ 本帖最后由 liuxingyuan 于 2009-2-28 21:41 编辑 ]
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