The terms 'free memory' or 'available memory' can have a literal connotation based on the physical properties / usage of a system's memory, and can have a slightly different logical connotation.
The Linux kernel will frequently consume nearly as much RAM as is available on a system, and use it for various buffers and caching. A process may launch, and require some memory, then release the memory when it quits; however, the Linux kernel may leave the memory 'cached' and not report it as 'free'. When a new process starts up, the same thing happens, and it then seems that the memory is not being marked as 'free'; however, the OS is simply caching the memory...
If the same memory content is needed again, the kernel can provide its content 'instantly', or if some new process starts and needs free memory, if there is no memory available from the completely 'free' store of memory, the kernel will immediately provide the oldest non-used portion of the cached memory to the application.
Technically, the 'cached' memory is not 'free' -- it is being cached!; however, the OS kernel is only caching it for performance enhancement, and if it is not currently in use, it is provided to any requesting application in just the same manner as 'free' memory, that has never been allocated previously.
The memory used by the OS's buffer/cache mechanism is literally in use/not free, as the buffer/cache mechanism is 'using' the memory; however, the OS kernel treats this memory as available for any application that needs it, and thus from a logical point of view, this memory is free/available for use.
To see the available memory on Linux-based systems, from a command line, use the free command. The 'logical' connotation of free memory is the sum of the 'free' + 'buffers' + 'cached' on the first line of the output.
spirit:~ # free
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 1295840 1272788 23052 0 51200 996336
-/+ buffers/cache: 225252 1070588
Swap: 1028120 179912 848208
In the example above, the system is mostly idling, with only OS processes running ('cpstop'ed). The OS reports "1272788" of "1295840" used; however, we see that the 'free' + 'buffers' + 'cached' = "1070588", which is 'logically' free for applications to use, and will be handed out by the kernel appropriately.
所以关于CheckPoint内存占用率过高的问题,我想至此应该算尘埃落定了吧。。。。。。 |